How to Handle Job Rejection

Being rejected for the job you really wanted can be difficult. You worked hard on crafting a great cover letter and updating your resume. No matter where you were in the interview process—just finished a third interview or didn’t even make it to the first round of interviewing—getting that rejection letter can be difficult. However, there is a right way to handle job rejection.

Instead of letting it get you down and keeping you down, you can turn job rejections into positive experiences that can have a dramatic impact on your life and your career. We’ve all been there. We’ve all struggled to get our perfect job, but it’s how you deal with that rejection that makes you an even better employee.

Dust Yourself Off

Rejection just isn’t fun. There’s really no other way to put it. However, rejection is part of life and if you aren’t careful it will bring you down. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, dust yourself off and get back out there. Try for another job. If you convey your passion and drive, then an employer will want you on their team.

Ask for Advice

Asking for advice is never a bad thing and it doesn’t show a sign of weakness. In fact, asking for advice shows a desire for improvement. When you’re rejected from a job, don’t be afraid to reach out the employer or hiring manager to ask why you were passed over. It could just be as simple as experience, but by doing this, you can learn what areas of career to focus on and develop.

Focus on Improvement

Whether you ask for advice or not, job rejection gives you a great opportunity to improve and focus on your experiences and your career. From taking on new projects at work to attending school to joining career-based groups, your career development is in your hands. When you take positive steps to enhance your career, opportunities will begin to open up. Use job rejections as motivation to improve yourself and your skills.

Apply! Apply! Apply!

When you get a job rejection, take it as a chance to apply to more jobs—better jobs. When you get one rejection set a goal of sending out 2 applications or resumes. The more jobs you apply for, the more opportunities you have for landing a great role. However, you shouldn’t just start applying to any and every job. You need to research companies and positions thoroughly before actually applying.

Keep Applying to Jobs
Every job rejection is an opportunity to apply to a better job.

Do you have any advice for handling job rejection? What do you do when you don’t get that dream job? Leave your suggestions and stories in the comments below