When you are preparing for your upcoming interview, you need to think about the impression you are going to make. There are many factors of a first impression and it’s important to know and understand what they are. While it certainly isn’t a fun thing to think about, it’s important to understand that hiring managers will be judging you during your interview. Making a great first impression could mean the difference of getting a second interview and being dismissed as a serious candidate right away.
Here are five things that you need to think about when planning to make a great first impression:
1. Your Appearance
Clothing definitely matters when you go in for an interview. If you’re interviewing for an executive level position, then you don’t want to show up wearing jeans and a t-shirt. As a good rule of thumb, dress for the job you want. If you’re going to a construction job interview, then it’s okay to not wear a full suit.
2. Eye Contact
One of the most important things to do when you first meet someone who will be in the interview is to make eye contact. This is also something you want to do during the entire interview. When you’re speaking, make eye contact with those who are interviewing you to show confidence. And when someone else is talking or asking you a question, look them in the eye to show that you are listening and paying attention to what they are saying.
3. Greeting
Aside from shaking hands with those you meet, you also need to say something like, “it’s nice to meet you.” You want to be formal in this situation, but also friendly. Remember, the people interviewing you could be your supervisor or even your coworker after the interview process. Be friendly and allow them to see your personality.
4. Speaking Tone
During your interview, you may be nervous and quiet. These are things you want to avoid. Instead of speaking in a casual or nervous tone, be professional and confident. It’s in your best interest to push through your nerves and fake confidence.
5. Leaving
As you’re leaving the interview, it’s a great idea to shake everyone’s hand (again) and say thank you for the opportunity to interview for the position. Being cordial as you’re leaving will go a long way and leave a great impression on interviewers before you actually leave.
What tips do you have for making a great first impression? Do you look for anything in a first impression that we left out? Leave your stories and suggestions in the comments section below!